Angularjs is great javaScript framwork. Compared to other frameworks like Ember its more magical. There is service called $resource in the ngResource module.

$resource is a great service when talking to REST servers. For the ROR developer is behave almost same the way resources work there. with the methods edit, index, get and delete.

The final output

(function () {
  angular.modules('', ['ngResource'])
    .factory('ProductCatalogResource', function ($resource, Config) {

      return $resource(
        {bussinessId: '@businessId', cobrandId: '@cobrandId'},
          query: {
            isArray: true,
            transformResponse: function (res) {
              return JSON.parse(res).filter(function (item) {
                return < 12; //filter out 12legacy 13 promotions

staget final-1

(function () {
	angular.modules('', ['ngResource','rl.qtc.Config'])
	.factory('ProductCatalogResource', function($resource, Config) {

		return $resource(
            isArray: true,
            transformResponse: function(res) {
             return JSON.parse(res).filter(function (item) {
               return < 12; //filter out 12legacy 13 promotions

		  get:{	method: 'GET',
				params: { bussinessId: '@businessId', cobrandId: '@cobrandId' },


final -2

(function () {
	angular.modules('', ['ngResource','rl.qtc.Config'])
	.factory('ProductCatalogResource', function($resource, Config) {

		return $resource(
            isArray: true,
            transformResponse: function(res) {
             return JSON.parse(res).filter(function (item) {
               return < 12; //filter out 12legacy 13 promotions
				getProductFamily: {
					method: 'GET',
					params: { bussinessId: '@businessId', cobrandId: '@cobrandId' },
					url: 'productFamiliesUrl/:id'

the original

(function () {
	angular.modules('', ['ngResource','rl.qtc.Config'])
	.factory('ProductCatalogResource', function($resource, Config) {

		return $resource(
				getFamilies: {
					method: 'GET',
					isArray: true,
					transformResponse: function(res) {
						var data = []
						angular.forEach((JSON.parse(res)), function(item){
							// filter out id 12("Legacy") and 13("Promotions")
							if ( < 12) {
						return data;
				getProductFamily: {
					method: 'GET',
					params: { bussinessId: '@businessId', cobrandId: '@cobrandId' },
					url: 'productFamiliesUrl/:id'

Difference between query and get

get : needed an object in the response query : allows a array in the response.

	angular.modules('', ['ngResource'])
	.factory('budgetDraftResource', function ($resource, Config) {
		return $resource(
				getByAcctId: {
					method: 'GET',
					params: {accountId: '@accountId'},
					isArray: true
				getById: {
					method: 'GET',
					url: Config.gatewayBaseUrl + '/draft-budgets/:draftBudgetId'
				deleteById: {
					method: 'DELETE',
					url: Config.gatewayBaseUrl + '/draft-budgets/:draftBudgetId'

final output

(function () {
  angular.modules('', ['ngResource'])
    .factory('budgetDraftResource', function ($resource, Config) {
      return $resource(
        {accountId: '@accountId'}

See, how simple is to write a factory that make request to

  • Get a single entity using id
  • Query to get an array of data.
  • send query params like ?query=accountId
  • delete an entity.

chears! happy javascript coding.