angularjs form validation handling using
Angualr js do form validation very verbose way but still you need to add more.
complete this using this reference
But don’t forget to pass valid condition for our new validation. I faced problem saving form i was’nt supplying the passing condition to the validation.
//this will make form whole form invalid.
//so, $scope.<form-name>.$valid will be false
//if all your conditions are matched then make is valid.
and $emit
in angaular js.
goes from top to bottom or parent to all children.$emit
travels from child to parent.$on
will get the message and act on it.
data: 'all children come home'
return 'coming';
data: 'father take me home'
return 'do it by your self';
create and destroy the scope
in angaular
careating a new scope is simple
var new_scope = scope.$new()
and destroy with $destroy
to stop memory leak due to scopes in angaular. It developer duty to handle created scope./
Here is good link for this: link
Watching for changes in angularjs there are following for this.
$scope.$watch('prop',function(newValue, oldValue){ });
If we want to watch more than one property$scope.$watchGroup(['propOne','prop2'],function(newValues, oldValues){ });
Two watch the array or complex data.
Angular wise choose for the function.
is better than$apply
is faster than$watch
. as$watch
will run two to functions to complete the task one for comparision and then for the callback.
Angular Testing
- Testing it good for the project to gain confidance about the coding.
lets try to write testing for the following code directive
'use strict';
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
product: '='
templateUrl: 'camp_inst.html',
link: linkFunction,
controller: ['$scope', campaignInstruction],
controllerAs: 'campIns'
// bindToController: true
function linkFunction(scope, element, attrs){
function campaignInstruction($scope, offerFactory, advertiserFactory){
/* jshint validthis: true */
var vm = this;
vm.someValues = [1,2,3,4];
vm.offerTypes = offerFactory;
This directive has templateUrl with this.